Golden, you are apparently being misled. Eli admitted that the Warrington scheme would not, in its original form, meet the competence standard. (I am not sure why, given that, when the standard was circulated round our staff for comment at the public comment stage, the consensus was that it was a doddle to meet and that those who could not meet it should not be doing FRAs.) Has anyone bothered to read it. Old Thomas Sutton could have walked it before he left the fire service years ago. Yet Eli had to change the scheme to meet the standard. It is not some counsel of perfection to which people will have to work hard to apire. It is just the basics of what anyone doing FRAS competently already knows.
Since the competence standard was only published at the end of the year, the Warrington scheme can only have been applying the standard for a matter of weeks. No one has said that the IFE do not support the competence standard so I do not know where you get that from, other than inuendos of those with a vested interest in promoting other schemes. The IFE were represented on the Council (by someone who received no payment and indeed LOST earnings by attending) while representatves of CBs were no doubt receiving a salary for sitting there.
The IFE have a meeting arranged to discuss what needs to be done. As they are not a commercial body, and have no commerical interest in selling the scheme , it may take a few weeks for volunteers, who do not receive a salary for modifying a scheme so it can be sold better to deal with the matter. Until they do, no more can be said. But what I can say is that two people on the IFE Panel sit on the Competency Council so I think they will manage without the help of Eli who is not a fire risk assessor and so does not qualify as a Panel membr.