I once again request your combined expertise although Colin may be best placed to help, I am currently offering fire safety advice on several Pubs, Clubs and Large catering facilities, many have glass curtain walling to allow the occupants to admire the views, the question relates to the location of the manual call points BS 5839 States all storey exits and all exits to the open air (whether or not the exits are specifically designated as fire exits) no problem there, but where you have double exits (all for MOE) along the glass curtain walling, where do you place the call points? one at each door, if they are within 1m of each other this seams an overkill, but one in the middle of six such doors seams to few, likewise placing a call point on the block walling some 6 m from the exits can't be right, can it, I like to say adjacent to the door, but this is not always practical, Gents, how far is too far away and how few is too few?