The standard document were the same as in civi street (AD'B', DCLG Guidlines, Common sense [on occassion]) along with the aforementioned Queen Fire Regulations.
We were the 'advising' authority at individual station level, with a bit of 'enforcing' authority also applied where necessary..... If the said advise was ignored, the problem would be raised to our local DFRMO HQ, where a suitably qualified DFRMO officer would then become the enforcing authority to the responsible person.
Responsible persons in the military are Senior NCO's or Junior Commissioned Officers, they are either 'volunteered' to become a particular buildings Officer in Charge, or they will volunteer themselves, as it helps on the slippery promotion ladder. The volunteering isnt hapahazard, its usually someone with a direct involvement with a particular building, or someones particular hobby in regards to the many small clubs occupying older buildings that are no longer needed.