I often tutor on electrical matters at a private training centre and we do offer courses over three consecutive days for those in the industry. I rarely use PowerPoint, rather I do my best to deliver the plethora of syllabus material by involving the candidates in every way possible. Still, it can be a sore three days!
Last week the Centre ran a 5day fire risk assessment course over consecutive days for a local company. The course is normally one day per week over a five week period which gives time for candidates to ruminate on the information delivered. I was allowed to sit in. The chap taking the course was very knowledgeable but he relied totally on PowerPoint and showing videos in a darkened room. Bless him, although he punctuated the course with little anecdotes to lighten the burden, he admitted to being "absolutely f*****" on Friday. As for the candidates, including myself, we could describe our experience in an equally succinct way. As I sit here on Monday morning my head is still swimming with flashing images and scrolling words. It is all just a useless blur!
Straight 5 day courses are definitely not for me!