In the past training providers e.g. Moreton, FPA etc. delivered courses in order for the recipients to gain qualifications to undertake their fire safety roles. Unfortunately prior to March 2013 these were not cross mapped or underpinned by National Occupational Standards or Skills for Justice.
CFOA took the decision to state that all fire safety auditors (Inspecting Officers), should, as a bench mark, have achieved these levels that would give the Inspecting Officer a Level 3 Fire Safety Certificate or a Level 4 Fire Safety Diploma. This in theory would ensure a consistency of level of knowledge and expertise throughout the country.
I am aware of at least one fire service that is putting all of its Inspecting Officers, all who have previously completed various training e.g. Moreton modules etc. through a programme of accredited prior learning in order that they will all meet the current standard requested by CFOA. On paper a team of up to date qualified Fire Safety Officers, in practise a box ticking exercise for the existing officers, however for new entrants into fire safety it appears a pretty comprehensive syllabus with a recognised qualification at the end. Time will tell but as with any qualification only any good if the practical application and experience under pins it, the analogy I always use is although you are technically qualified to drive when you past your driving test, you only become a real driver when you get some experience under your belt.