Author Topic: Firexo all in 1 extinguishers  (Read 21219 times)

Offline memnon

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Firexo all in 1 extinguishers
« on: November 01, 2021, 11:15:57 AM »
Anyone had any dealings with this companies extinguishers that appear to be one extinguisher for all fires?
Cant see any BS but they do claim EN3-7: 2004  +A1:2007.

Offline AnthonyB

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Re: Firexo all in 1 extinguishers
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2021, 06:43:36 PM »
They aren't kitemarked (but they are supposed to be in the process of getting a KM license for the 2,6 & 9l) but:
- The A, B, F & 35kV (electrical) ratings are independently verified by a French EN3 test lab
- The lithium battery claim is based on independent tests by the Swedish state laboratories
- The Class C claim is manufacturer only based on testing using the Australia/New Zealand test fire as EN3 doesn't have a test for Class C and assumes all powder extinguishers are suitable (but only powder. Note historically in the pre EN3 days it was not unknown for foam spray, CO2 & Halon extinguishers to be marked for Class C fires and some guidance supported it)
- The class D claim is manufacturer only and apparently based on the old German DIN standard magnesium test fire

It all depends on what risks you are considering it for - for many applications you can be assured of its efficacy, others you have to take it on trust with the manufacturer or do further research testing. I've accepted it for some applications, it's certainly better than powder for some traditional 'multi purpose' uses.

If you wonder what's in it - it's a bit like a liquid version of a powder extinguisher, having the same Ammonium salts as ABC powder extinguishers and possibly synthetic based foam (based on the patent and MSDS)
Anthony Buck
Owner & Fire Safety Consultant at Fire Wizard

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Offline memnon

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Re: Firexo all in 1 extinguishers
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2021, 06:40:57 PM »
Many thanks.
Id just had some office based clients asking if they can replace their 13A foam and 2 KG CO2 extinguishers with single multi use ones to cover general office type risks.
Look as if they should be ok although I do wonder if they will save anything by doing it as they are not that cheap.
How do you sort out numbers/sizes as none seem to show their fire ratings?

Offline AnthonyB

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Re: Firexo all in 1 extinguishers
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2021, 05:55:06 PM »
They all show fire ratings, but for reference:

2 litre - 13A:34B:25F
6 litre - 34A:113B:75F
9 litre - 55A:183B:75F

As most fire points are placed based on the old 13A/200 sq.m. rule of thumb despite increasing numbers of 6l foam being 21A this means you only need to use the 2l Firexo for a typical A/E fire point - on sites that have gone down this route the majority of replacements have been 2l, I've only used the 6l a couple of times, one where the 75F was needed and the other where it replaced 4 existing units at a single point and the 34A suited the actual floor area.

Shop around as retail costs vary - internet sites are, as usual, often at the cheaper end. Less overall extinguishers also results on basic servicing costs as well.
Anthony Buck
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Offline memnon

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Re: Firexo all in 1 extinguishers
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2021, 11:14:03 PM »
Thanks Anthony

Offline DavyFire

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Re: Firexo all in 1 extinguishers
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2021, 02:47:16 PM »
Good info on the Firexo.

Has anyone come across this,
My daughter received it from a company which produces flammable scented candles. They seen to like it and are endorsing it.
To the layman, it sounds wonderful and covers 5 fire types.
When you read the small print it is 335ml, basically a pressurised drinks bottle.
FEA Part 1 and Part 2
Conforms to BS 5597, which is Specification for non-refillable plastics aerosol dispensers up to 1000 mL capacity. No fire rating claimed.

Offline AnthonyB

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Re: Firexo all in 1 extinguishers
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2021, 09:13:53 PM »
This isn't exclusive to them, it and similar variants, are sold under a variety of brands despite being the same, a bit like the proliferation of aerosol halons in the 70's.

It uses ammonia salts (a bit like Firexo) and whilst no doubt effective on the fire classes claimed will only have a very limited capability (it's not new these sort of thing have been around for a while - I've a German TV consumer programme video comparing one on three domestic test fires - sofa, Christmas tree and cooking oil pan - and it's not impressive, especially as it was put up against a 3l water mist and 3l wet chemical!)

There's something else doing the rounds based on a highway flare (as used in the US) rehashing an old concept (a US Highway Flare manufacturer made a version that could be used as an extinguisher for chimney fires back in the 60's) and selling it as an all purpose maintenance free extinguisher. This does have independent fire tests, but no ratings - when you read the report you see why as the fires were so tiny!

Might suit domestic use but not much else
Anthony Buck
Owner & Fire Safety Consultant at Fire Wizard

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Offline DavyFire

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Re: Firexo all in 1 extinguishers
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2022, 10:40:25 AM »
As always useful info clearly explained