Regarding the Spec, the client has specified an L1 system, the Insurance has specified a P1 system.
Two bodies with two different objectives.
These have been brought together in a package to the installation company as an L1/P1 system.
It may well be wrong but I've seen it a hundred times in a hundred different specs.
5.2 Recommendations
The following recommendations are applicable.
g) Where the objectives of more than one type of system are to be satisfied, the system should be described
as a Category X/Y system (e.g. L2/P2 or L3/P2, etc.).
Normally there is no real conflict, in this case the ceiling height makes the difference.
Regarding the building layout, the areas vary from "warehouse" open plan style to "power station" style with lots of metal gantries and platforms, like a scene from "Aliens"...