Author Topic: Wholetime Recruitment-Recruits List  (Read 16852 times)

Offline Ryan

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Wholetime Recruitment-Recruits List
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2007, 09:35:51 PM »
I wish it wasn't so complicated to get in; I'm 15 right now and I have wanted to be a firefighter since I was very young, and After reading up on joining, it seems very complicated. As soon as I'm 18 I'm going to (try) and join, no matter how long it takes!

Offline kurnal

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Wholetime Recruitment-Recruits List
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2007, 09:53:06 PM »
Start planning now Brian and best of luck. Put together a collection of experience of community service, team work- even team games- try and get involved in community work especially equality issues and keep yourself fit. It may be difficult to do all these things where you are though.
Is there a full time service in Shetland? or are you looking to the retained duty system?
You have time to make yourself the ideal candidate.
Some Brigades have junior entry schemes for  16 year olds- and some operate youth schemes. Find out if your local service do this and try offering yourself as a link person between the service and local youths. A lot of brigades are also supporting youth offender schemes and asbos - there could be a role there for you if you push yourself forward.

Offline Ryan

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Wholetime Recruitment-Recruits List
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2007, 10:16:26 PM »
There are no Full time firefighters in Shetland, Which I only found out about 2 days ago! If I need to move to be wholetime, I will. Back to Dorset where I lived most of my life. I will enquire about that though, is that kind of like cadets? I was going to join the Cadets in Poole, but not having a car, living 3 miles away and being 10 when I lived there, I was a bit too young. I will contact my local station though. What surprised me, is that there are not even full time firemen at the airports!

Offline Ryan

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Wholetime Recruitment-Recruits List
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2007, 10:22:45 PM »
I know a few firemen down at the local retained station, so maybe they will let me sit in on a drill session one night. I have asked the HIFB, but no reply yet. My best friend's uncle is the sub officer down at the fire station, by day he is a school janitor! If I get in contact with him, maybe he can enlighten me.