PDR = personal development record. Therefore you do not 'do' a PDR. You do the development and the record is just that. It follows the PDP (as it may be called), or personal development plan. As these have the word personal at the beginning then they should not be national, not even service, nor local. The should be personal. So take a RDS CM, who is also in the WDs as a Ff. He/she is promoted to CM WDS, their PDP will be different (probably just some top up knowledge elements) than a peer who is a WDS Ff moving to CM with no experience of management, or incident command. There are a set of development modules, see
www.ipds.co.uk, which give the learning outcomes expected of any development for each role,. What the individual requires depends on their existing skills and knowledge. Unlike the old FRS system where you went on a Crew Command course at the FSC, whether you needed it, or not. I was sent on a ECCC (e = experienced) as I had been an LFf for 5 years, newly promoted to SubO I had to attend the WCC (w = watch). So a week of being told what I already knew, followed by another 5 of the same spread out. I had already done management learning (and qualifications) so all the Maslow, Herzberg et all , that I was made to 'learn' was a waste of my time and my FRS's money. The incident command training was useful, though again nothing I hadn't already done in-house, the exercises great, though gain I had been in charge of up to 8 pump fires as a T/SubO and many smaller incidents in the years before, as well as exercises. So the old national 'give it to all' was no great shakes. Using a PDP I should have gone for a one week ICS module and that would have been it. I would record my activities in my PDR, which would need assessing, then internal and external verification of quality, to demonstrate that I was competent before they pay me as such. The old system - Thursday FF, Friday LFf. No assessment of your ability, no record of your development needs, no record of the development given and no record of how you proved you could do the job. Next opportunity for the FRS to decide if you were actually any good beingt he SubO application process.
Fill in your own activities the 'graph (what graph?)' goes green so you are competent? Where is the assesor, verifier et al in this equation? Sorry not the new system's fault but your (clearly) failing FRS. The old system had none of that anyway - simply 'here's your eppaulettes, get on with it'. Oh, and by the way, we won't be bothering to check if you are competent, or what training you actually need.