We had 20-odd years of relative industrial calm in the fire service due entirely to the 1977 national strike and the benefits that ensued; pay formula, manning levels, shift patterns. We bacame complacent.
The pay formula slowly stopped working because it was based on the 'average pay of the upper quartile of male manual workers'. As the industrial base of the UK was decimated during the 80's, this formula became less and less productive and Maggie and her chums paid the bobbies more and more to keep the peace on ever-more beligerant picket lines. It was for this reason that the FBU geared up and demanded parity between bobbies and firefighters. Not an unreasonable one, and it would have ben achieved but for the FBU tactics of demanding imediate 40% increases (never going to happen) and 2-jags meddling.
This most recent dispute, in which the FBU got their butts wiped, has left FS managers with carte blanche to do basically whatever they want. Yes, the employers even fabricated a report to support their claim to be acting in the best interests of the service and the public. What they actually did was succeed in proving the old adage - Divide and Conquer! By rewarding some more than others they have fuelled resentment and fostered envy within the ranks of the FS. Imposition of R to R has done even more to fragment the structure as nobody knows now whether a Sub O or a Stn O is Watch Mgr A or B, or Crew Mgr is fit to take charge of a CFS leaflet drop. Then add IPDS to the mix along with competence and capability and that is how you get to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
All the good bits, the shift patterns, manning levels, etc, have been scarificed on the altar of efficiency, best value and toadying to the politico's to get the gong.
Will joining another organisation help stop this rot? Will joining the TGWU get you a voice that will be heard amongst the many within that organisation clamouring for attention? I think not. The FBU is your only avenue for change in the FS today and in the future. By leaving it, you weaken the union position when negotiations take place with employers. But more importantly, by not being active in the union, by not challenging and questioning everything they do in your name, you leave it open for those with other agenda's to hijack and use as their hobby-horse for political advancement.
Stick with the FBU and make the necessary changes from within. Collectively and individually, the power rests in your hands.