Sam I had a Telephone Interview for Greater Manchester on Saturday and have received an Email telling me I was successful this morning.
They will ask you about PQA's, more detailed info on these can be found at under the recruitment section.
They will ask you to describe a situation when..... (depending on the PQA)... the trick is, and I understand this is where alot of candidates foul up, to make sure when you are talking about the situations to ensure you tell them what YOU did and not necessarily what the 'team' did, they are trying to find out about you!.
The PQA's they asked me about were: Confidence and Resilience, Working with others and Problem solving.
One thing I will say is if you are successful at this stage they give you very little warning of when they want you to attend the next stage, as I said I found out this morning and they wanted me in Manchester on either Tues, Weds or Thurs this week for the National firefighter Ability tests which regrettably I am not able to do because I can't get off work at such short notice!!
Good luck, if I can help any further let me know!