Kurnal, your observation about new builds is spot on. There seems to be an acceptance by architects that to comply with the need for signage, any format of signage will do. Within the tendering process through subcontractors, I am getting the impression that the EU signs are cheaper to procure than the BS ones, and there is less variation on the sign content. Therefore it is almost a 'done deal' when arriving at new builds to find the BS signage has been overlooked for the EU system.
Frequently asked question is about legislative compliance, regarding using one system and another and it is debatable whether any proceedings would be taken against someone using the EU system rather than the BS, regardless of what 'guidance' indicates. Simple question 'do I have to replace them' is mostly asked from the cost factor perspective.
Jim has been, and remains, clear, precise and very informed on the topic and I regard his contibutions as valuable insights into the Standards and systems. However, architects and their associates, specifying finishes to buildings are not so well informed, and there does not seem to be any motivation for them to change their way of working. Insistence that the EU signs are replaced with BS ones is normally met with open hostility, rejection and the 'Jobs worth Fire Safety Nerd' type attitude towards those of us who are trying to sort out the clear errors.