I have most of the data that answers your question but unfortunatley due to copywright and confidentiality am unable to reproduce it here. I can say that the relationship of pre/post DRA has other dynamics that must be taken into account such as systems of work, frequency of response, quality of PPE, likelihod of entry pre 'defensive' tactics, appliances, equipment etc etc.
the issue for me is not the concept, its possessing the craft skill and knowledge that enables application of the concept, the mantra contained in the manual is the same found in the Home Office guide issued in 1997/8. We seemed to know and understand then. For the LFf/ SubO of the day they had been well tested in their craft knowledge having had to study a broad syllabus to answer a handful of questions as confirnation of that knowledge. Subsequently they had to demonstrate skill in safely deploying their crews. Then and only then would they 'qualify' to make such decisions.
Is the ITOP, are PQA's providing a stable of crew and watch managers/commanders with the same underpinning skill and knowledge? There is an 'expertise' element to the DRA equation whether we like it or not.
I wonder if the view that it's not a Performance Indicator, so train when you can also has some substance?
I am merely fuelling debate.