Apologies for not replying earlier but have just come back from some leave!
The beds are required by Health & CSCI to be 900mm wide in nursing care establishments, so I can't get those changed.
Some of the service users in the scheme are able to get themselves about quite easily during the day but do so very, very slowly so would still need help in an emergency. Plus when most people enter nursing care they tend to be losing control of their faculties and I don't just mean their mental ones! So they also require assistance. However the majority in this scheme do tend to be bed bound!
The architect was a muppet and so where the team involved in the brief, this was designed and finished before I joined the organisation and for some strange reason the safety/environment people do not get invited to take part in these developments! Must think we would add to the costs!!
The corridors are all over 2m wide and have bays in where it would be possible to put a number of beds my problem would start to get worse if any situation lead to evacuation of more than one compartment! Also since I've been to the place I've found that there is no fire lift so makes it even more difficult in a full evacuation!
I don't want to go into the rest of the stuff I found but I would really like to get the builder and the architect into a room and express my opinions in a forthright manner!
Nearlythere and Kurnal are pretty much correct it, is too problematic to get the doors widened apart from the distress it would cause already highly confused and dependant service users, many of the walls involved are load bearing. Looks like I will have to go with the mattress idea as that is the most efficient and possibly least stressful means of evacuation (and I used that last phrase advisedly)! Will still have to get over the manual handlling implications though!
Many thanks for your thoughts on this and please feel free to add anymore, this is one that is going to run for quite a while for me as I'm goig to have the same problems in the new ones that come on line, if I can't get the management team to get architect and builder to play ball!