Jeez guys,
I think I'll stop moaning!!
I'm RDS and go to the 'unit' FOUR times a year, and personally I think it should be monthly.
In D&GFRS all ranks have to carry out hot fire compartment training, possibly apart from the Boss, so it's not just the F/Fs that get hot and dirty.
I know there's plenty of guys and gals here that complain that we're not at the 'unit' often enough, most go twice a year, but I cover 2 stations hence my four visits.
Service policy is that if you don't attend the 'unit' at least once in a 12 month period, you are off the run, regardless of how many fires etc. you've been to. Seems harsh but at least the Instructors can make sure you're doing everything right at least a couple of times a year!
I realise some people may say "We go to loads of compartment fires so we don't need any additional hot training", however what is to say that they are using Best Practice. You need the training to keep up the skills to carry out the job effectively and safely.
And as we all know, Safety Counts!