Hi to all, Sorry I have come in on this one a little late,
Firstly the DDA is good in principle, but factually (and this is my own personal views) c*ap, (PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR THIS!)
This is why the DRC (Disability Rights Commission) is now been technically disbanded! (from Oct 07) and now all disability issues are covered by basic human right's (which is more politically correct, as the word "disabled" immediateley catagorises one in the first instance)
Right The "said" Hotel, is sort of in a Dammed if they do, Dammed if they dont, senario, as they are "appearing" to comply with what society would want them to do, and as,
Jokar Quoted, (something like) "If I were suffering from a disability......I would like a room with a view!" (sorry I cant work out how to transfer ones text here)
I say Quite right too!, but if the "said" hotel would think a human with mobility issues would be satisfied with the knowledge that if there was a fire, then they would have to "manhandled out, down stairs (possibly causing someone to FIT!) WITHOUT their £6,000 powerchair, (so they would then have to be put into a chair that would need some other poor soul to push them for the duration)
Then they can get stuffed ! what planet are they on!
I am writing this, taking for granted that the reference of "evacuation" lifts are the lifts that one CAN use in the event of a fire, (sorry I do not have the technical information)
The hotel should not consider to build a room on each floor if they are not intending to supply an evacuation lift! If they have the money to build a hotel (their business plan would already establish that it would be a goldmine) they they should make the decision to install one or even two evacuation lifts!
Now, talking about the thousands of different "health or mobility related" problems out there, that lots of humans suffer from, it is a minefield!
For instance, You could have a person, that is a wheelchair user, that is 100% entitled to use a wheelchair for genuine bonafide reasons, Just for instance they need it for 90% of daytime/out and about use, they possibly would be quietly confident that IN AN EMERGENCY (if push comes to shove) they they might actually be able, with help from another, (with in no doubt, emense difficulty) WALK down the stairs!
Then there is someone that would NOT be able to get out of their chair as it might cause them such bad effect, it would be a danger to anyone trying to help them out, eg; having a FIT (ever tried to try and lift or help anyone having a fit) !!!!!
As for "reasonable ajustments" under the DDA, this is what cheap skate's think would cover them legally, (but really if they gave the matter decent genuine thought, they should decide to do a Disabled accessible rooms on all floors with the, possible 2 evacuation lifts)
All the Disabled accomodation on the one floor!
If they are adamant on the hotel having 10 floors with Disabled accomodation, with just stairs, then they really are "appearing to be offering disabled persons, the choice, that would cover them with reasonable adjustment, and discrimination laws" but in reality they want to cut corners, you could say, pardon the pun, "putting up a smoke screen"