"Where were we" i've asked myself every day since boxing day,our team along with others were on first call,we were packed, and for sure we would be going (or so we thought),We watched the news and checked the web sites and we waited,we watched the casualty figures rise at an alarming rate and the news images grow ever more graphic and still we waited,most of us new that what we were watching had the potential to be utterly devestating , still nothing, we watched every search and rescue scenario we could think off , and then ...txt message ODPM unlikley to be considering SAR assets..... we paused..shocked and hoped it would be changed.., we continued to watch,they say we have'nt had an invite(politics again ) goverments are confused and over whelmed they are desparate... We watch SART's from around the world deploying, Russians,Germans,French,Isreali,japanese and any other country whose goverment saw fit to send them.. and we saw Andy and Keith and their marvelous search dogs(my prayers go with them) and still we were not needed, we saw and heard of teams have some successful rescues,not many,but one is enough! there are many dead and many survivors.you try not to think of the people that clung on for days waiting for a rescue that never came,at least not from us..and whilst i understand it was alogistical nightmare., i guess we will never really know!! some of the world acted quickly and the rest of it blinked ,and we must now play catch up in the largest humanitarianaid effort in history(hilary benns words not mine)..
So as i sit here i ask myself the question "WHERE WERE WE" and why are we still here... to Otto ,shaun,jim ,dannyroach and the rest of you out there asking yourselves the same thing KEEP PUSHING...
STEVE TOMM South Wales team........ :evil: