Kurnal & BigT - Thank you both v much. That's the approach we intend to take and it's good to hear that this new doc has little relevance. Incidentally, it's a really badly written guide IMO. Right, back to work! Thanks again..........
Must have been written by a Senior Fire Safety Officer. An Inspecting Officer would have been more appropriate.
If the guide is considered stupid by those who have to make sense of it then it must be considered a complete waste of taxpayer's money and the balloon who scribed it sacked.
Forgot. This is local government we are talking about. Squandering taxpayer's money is the norm and nobody is ever held to account.
My my!
So that long consultation that took place with over 200 resposes, nearly all of which were accomodated, passed you by! It was actually written by a very, very experienced Housing Officer with support from a whole range of stakeholders including the biggest landlord representative group, the National HMO Network, CFOA and the CIEH. Multiple balloons!
It was not funded directly out of taxpayers money, (although indirectly, everything is). Much of the outlay will be re-couped through sales.
Please read the guide carefully as it tries to address a whole range of conflicting advice/enforcement options in difficult premises. It takes a pragmatic approach to existing premises. It could have gold plated everything and turned half a million socially needy tenants out on the street. That would have been good.
If you like, I'll make sure that you are invited to sit on the next steering group so we can all benefit from your charming considered opinions!
With absolute respect to you Val I am extremely pleased to hear from someone who seems to have been involved in or is in support of the drafting of national guidelines on Fire Safety. What a pity that more like you could not join our discussions more often.
The Housing Officer? Experienced in what Val? Housing? Can you have the experienced housing officer explain the rational behind that part of the document I immediately picked up on at the eary stages - inner rooms?
I have not read the rest of the guidance carefully as I am still trying to make something of the horse and cow hotel document. Remember? Maybe you know who wrote it also?
I'm also sure that many others on this forum have a specific query on this document also. So if you hang about a little you should hear from them soon.
Are you honestly telling me that at a round the table meeting the landlord representative group, the National HMO Network, CFOA and the CIEH scrutinised these guidelines to the full and to a man voted it through as a policy document? Are you honestly telling me that Val?
I can just visualise the support given to the Very Experienced Housing Officer, who I have no doubt is a member of the salt of the earth society, by the bodies you referred to.
"We are too busy. You write it and we will sign it off."
I would love to sit on the next steering committee Val but you know what? My contribution from 15 years in a Fire & Rescue Service Fire Safety Department would be far too sensible. Much better to leave it to experienced people.