Unfortunately David the heat detector is for the purpose of detecting fire in the room prior to it escalating into the corridor (yes,at the expense of the resident in the room) and the smoke seals are to stop the nasty toxic stuff (which has already most likely killed your guest) escaping into the escape route for everyone else.Generally though,the detector will be fitted at the door itself as this is the boundry into the corridor.
It's a bit like the insistance of sprinklers in hotel rooms in the states - of no use to the occupant of the room.
A nice anecdote to the sprinkler situation is a conversation between a smoke detecor guy and a sprinkler guy,each arguing for their product.The detector guy throws down a challenge."Right,the two of us will go into a room,close the door and mount our respective devices on the ceiling.I will then start a fire down the back of,say,a soft chair or similar item.Neither of us will be permitted to leave the room until our own device has activated"!