Guys, Am I misunderstanding what you are saying?
A number of non-addressable MCPs with intergal LEDs all operating at once won't alter the overall resistance of the circuit and thus prevent an alarm condition as such. If one MCP operating draws enough current to put the zone in fire condition, additional ones operating won't reduce that current, only increase it.
Obviously, if you had a large number all operating at exactly the same time you might draw so much current that a zone short-circuit fault is given. By the liklihood of this is virtually impossible.
The reason that a zone with a large number of MCP's operated one after the other may not illuminate LEDs correctlty can only be down to current limiting circuitry in the zone circuitry of the non-addressable fire panel. In fact, what would normally happen is that as additional MCPs were operated each already illuminated LED would get a fraction dimmer until eventually no LEDs would appear to be illuminated because the current limiting would cause a volt drop on the zone wiring sufficiently high enough to prevent it.
But on addressable systems where current being taken on a loop is even more critical, some control equipment types will purposely not send the data to tell an LED on an operated MCP to illuminate, if it senses the current being drawn on the loop is getting too high. The control panel still reacts to further pieces of equipment being operated but just does not send the information back to the device to illuminate the LED
Let's brainstorm things from the beginning,
You have claimed that to add an LED to a conventional MCP to be light up in fire condition, you said this necessitates a simple LED with its current limiting resistor... and that's fine that will work, but...!
I assumed the LED with its current limiting resistor call it 'Rd' will be fitted in serial with the MCP own internal resistor call it 'Ri', therefore only when that MCP is triggered both resistors will be seen in serial 'Rd+Ri' their sum will be in turn seen by the panel, in parallel with EOL called 'Re', the total equivalent resistor in that triggered circuit will be as follows:
1/(Rd+Ri) + 1/Re = 1/Req ----------------> Req = Re(Rd+Ri) / (Re+Rd+Ri)
Req: will be the EOL seen by the panel in the activated zone circuit, it should be within the tolerance of resistors that meant to set fire condition. i.e. in case of EOL =4K7 Ohm, and Ri= 470 Ohm then:
'Req' should remain within (Ri - 200 Ohm ) < Req < (Ri + 200 Ohm)
(Just as an example this depends to the make)
If many MCPs are triggered in the same zone this will drop 'Req' below say (Ri - 200 Ohm ) in which the panel is meant to generate a short circuit fault. ( post 1988 system)
Also if many MCPs are triggered the panel will see the internal resistors of the MCPs (Ri+Rd) all in parallel with the EOl resistor 'Re' this will split the current (even it's higher in fire condition)... to be drawn through all Nodes and what will reach the LEDs to light them up may not be enough to some extend, that's why an accurate calculation is needed to suit each make...
There are many ways to save enough current to light up the LEDs even if all MCPs are activated, this will necessitate the right electronics circuit to do the job, not just an (LED and its limited current resistor)
Therefore, there is no guaranty that any make of conventional system will accept an upgraded conventional MCPs with LEDs...