This is one of what I used to use guys, if there is no choice, see the circuit below
If many zone detection circuits to be used, one relay is required for each zone, also the relay should be of min triggering voltage of 9-10Vdc and an internal coil's resistor of about 400-500Ω... etc
The sounder circuits can be fitted all together in the same output terminals... etc
The EOL = 4K7Ω is for some purposes if your system uses a different value of EOL you need the chose the same value of the resistor in parallel with the coil, this is to avoid to trigger the relay in quiescent condition... etc
The circuit has been practically tested with both smoke detectors and manual call points and it works perfectly, but only fire condition is monitored.
You can add, Silence and Reset buttons as well as Evac. buttons, in addition to a fire LED in serial with quite big resistor... etc
I don't take any responsibility for any misuse, the last time I retest it OK, was with my colleague Paul (sirparkingson)
Thank you