Purely because of what Goodsparks has highlighted (some guys may be doing tenders based on the present standard and could loose out to those in the know, namely the big lads who sit on the tech committee but also have commercial interests in the trade).
It is with the kind permission of my illustrious leader (a part 3 & 8 technical committee sitter and a staunch independant), that I have it on good authority that barring disasters Pt 3 will be published January 2009.
In fact I am reading it now (with the authority of said leader). All riveting stuff.
He has said that due to copyright issues I cannot quote or discuss the details but I can respond with a "yes" or "no" if you have any direct questions as to what may be in there.
Points of interest:
Secondary Labelling
Extended Service - Plastic Head Capped Units (Goodsparks, your FIA man tells porkys, you may wish to re-assess your tender)
It's because of Goodsparks situation that my gaffer's letting me do this, as he is upset that a member of any trade organisation who obviously, to give such advice, has stated his intimate knowledge of the new standard, could potentially mislead his fellow members thus.
Oh, and Part 8 should be out for DPC as we speak (or imminently).
If you doubt my credentials (having access to such things) then PM me for further info.