.... All zones can be put on OMT at the same time and if you don't want the sounders the connection block can be unplugged from the PCB, no need to take the wires out.
I think this is the closest answer to Davro's enquiry, also I may add some thing..., the OMT (One Man Test) through the jumper.., can only insure the ‘walk test’ and not ‘silent mode test’ since:
Walk test: is where alarm goes off for few seconds during test, then the system reset itself...
Silent mode test: (conventional sys.) is where no alarm going off during test, just fire condition displayed on panel, but not necessarily a resetable test...
For C-Tec; and as far as I remember the sounder circuit has to be disconnected in addition to OMT jumper setting, in order to get the resetable silent mode.
Probably the terminology may mean different things to different people…, but any way this is just my understanding