I agree with most of what you say Bleve but whilst most of my customers would happily accept the need for greater care to prevent fires and mitigation of their effects- maintenance, housekeeping, tests and inspections, sensible spacing of the charging area from combustibles, ventilation if necessary, fire fighting equipment, i feel most would accuse me of being OTT if I started to ask for existing, well managed charging areas to be enclosed in their own fire compartment within an existing building.
On a similar theme I am about to start a new topic on standards in B&Bs and guest houses having stayed in three over the last weekend, none of which had given any consideration whatsoever to fire safety. It made me question what was reasonable. In one of them I would not have been able to produce an action plan that would have even approached national guidance- but they used to have a fire certificate! Made me question my own standards and wonder if I am sometimes unrealistic in my expectations.