Unfortunatly Colin, this will carry on until the whole fire protection has some sort of legislation for fire risk assessors, Alarm installer, etc etc.
I personally I would love laws and regulations coming in that state you must have XY & Z to do a particular job or task, as we all would know what is required.
One of my current disapointments is the lack of any actual guidance for who is competent to install, maintain and commission a fire Alarm & detection system.
Currently we have a very wooley description Quote "3.11"
competent person
person with the necessary training and experience, and with access to the requisite tools, equipment and
information, and capable of carrying out a defined task..
That could mean nearly anything, a for instants is that a NICEIC electricians fire alarm training involves half a day (and this half day includes emergency lighting) does that make them competent?.
I would like to see something more like AnnexE from BS5306
Annex E (informative)
Training of Competent Persons
The competent person’s training should include “on the job” experience and attendance of a training course run by a recognised body, which may be the extinguisher supplier or a qualified company. The competent person should attend for the length of time recommended by the training institution and, at the end of the course, pass an examination supervised by an independent body
There are three such independent examination bodies recognised by British Approvals for Fire Equipment: The British Fire Consortium (BFC), The Fire Extinguisher Trades Association (FETA) and the Independent Fire Engineering and Distributors Association (IFEDA)
The competent person should attend a refresher course at least every 3 years, which satisfies the following criteria.
a) Minimum duration one day
b) Covers new requirements, new classes of fires and new products in the market place, such as:
1) British Standards
2) Relevant UK statutory regulations
3) Basic services
4) Extended services
5) Recharging
6) Overhauling
c) Concludes with a written test of understanding for the competent person.
If there were set guidance of what is competent in all the different fields it would ensure safety for the customer and a more level playing field.
Lets face it how on earth can any of us possibly state that the building you are risk assessing has a suitable an sufficiant fire alarm system if we have people installing systems with half a days training or less!