Excellent though your advice usually is Colin, public employees really do not need to be constantly told how overpaid they are by a company which charges £500+ per day (excluding expenses) for its services!
additionally, I believe that an organisation at the centre of the fire safety circus recently baulked at a requested daily fee of £1400, (excluding expenses)by another un-named, (though not connected to your business), individual.
I share your view that a significant portion of 'fire safety officers' are less than perfect but this is probably down to the organisational heirachy of fire services and the fact that legislative fire safety is always seen as a poor relation. This situation, alas, is likely to be excacerbated by the headlong rush to promote the 'cheaper option' of community safety. Some fire safety departments have already slashed their inspection teams by half, hardly a recipe for increasing the skill level of those who are required under legislation, (rather than those sheltered by professional liability insurance), to enforce fire safety standards prescribed by a government who has forgotten the lessons of the past.