A fire in the escape route. Adjacent rooms have doors that can be shut.
Where is the fire coming from then? A light fitting? How about low energy lighting.
Incidently, have you ever tried setting fire to a well maintained peice of furniture that conforms to 7176? Trust me it does not go.
I really cannot see an issue in a well managed premises especially if fire suppression is fitted. In actual fact, I seem to remember an instructor from the FPA who shared the same sentiments when I completed the complex risk assessment course a while ago.
I personally cannot see why closers are removed from doors when the premises are sprinklered, but I accept what ADB says.
I feel that we cannot just lay huge generic statements over one type of premises. The whole point of the legislation is that the risk creator will manage their own risk.
I accept that in some circumstances (proberly most) that furniture within common areas are a no no, but lets try and be subjective about the whole thing.