For 'total' fault monitoring the unit would also automatically release on 'loss of data' on the loop. Does it do this?
Yep , as required in your favorite BS document
Galeon, thank you for your replies. Your answers to my questions tell me that this product is a sure-fire winner. I can see it being used in 100,000's in the future. I hope you have a patent!
I have quoted just one of your replies above, and I need to ask questions about it.
I'm not sure that BS7273-4 requires monitoring of the addressable communication data. It is one of the many confusing areas of the document. However, if your product does do this then it is surely the first loop-powered device to do so.
What I mean by 'monitoring the addressable communication data' is that if just the normal addressable data fails for whatever reason, this is detected by the device and it then carries out the fail-safe action i.e. in your product case; releases the doors.
I think BS7273-4 only requires the cie to monitor the communication data and to produce a fault condition if it fails. However, in these circumstances, the fault condition cannot be transmitted to devices on the loop precisely
because the communication data has failed! A catch 22 situation.
If your product has overcome this problem, it is extra interesting!