While doing a property FRA this week, I came across a national company who must have a annual income of 8-10 million, on site conducting an audit as they were instructed to complete the weekly MCP tests and the required E/L tests. However to my shock the person who would of been doing the tests has no experience or knowledge of the various BS.
Now there are a few of these contractors that cater for unmanned sites and provide this 'service' and you normally find very little if any info in the fire log books of what type of maintenance has been undertaken. For example what E/L have been tested and to what standard, no info on the drain down of E/L systems, stating only 25% of fire alarm system has been completed on quarterly checks and with no relevant info to ensure the required checks are covered over the 12 months.
They and the others sometimes offer full maintenance of the fire alarm system, but sub-contract the work to who knows.
What I have found that a lot of fire inspectors do not really go into looking into that the correct type of maintenance is in place and by a competent person and only will glance at the fire log books.
Surely this is a worrying area which is not being fully scrutinised or regulated to the correct levels.
Any fire alarm system, emergency lighting system and associated systems are as good as it maintenance regime, a simple tick box on a fire log book suggests nothing.