Colin, when you say "it is done", do you mean that most systems you are involved provide monitoring of both the signal cable and the faults outputs of the transmission equipment (inc. the PSU)?
In theory, these two factors would either occur or, as you stated, be a variation. In practice, I have very rarely found this to be the case. Most designers don't want to know once they have issued their tender documents or once the contract is placed with the installer and, in many of the cases I'm aware of, the first time the commissioning engineer gets a sniff of the job is when he is told a day or two in advance that the job is to be done - explaining to the installer that the designer has missed a vital part of the system and having to list it as a variation when the designer is not interested usually leads to future work being awarded to someone else.
I don't know how much verificiation work you do on other peoples systems where you have had no prior involvement, but what percentage do actually have a fully compliant signal to the transmission equipment and also fault monitoring as described above? Also on the same vein, if either is lacking and has not been agreed as a variation by the time of project handover, can such a non-compliance be accepted as a variation, say, 18 months later?