Thomas I thank you for your diligence in correcting my careless use of what is after all a legal definiton. You are absolutely right in your interpretation of articles 3 and 5 and yes we did discuss all this to a conclusion in the past.
Why do so many of us keep falling into this trap and use the term responsible Person so carelessly? Well in defence I would point out that the Order itself leads us into doing it, because article 3 defines the responsible person and article 5 imposes the duties of the responsible person under articles 8 to 22 on "other persons" without defining them again. Note that nowhere in the Order do any of the definitions have a capital letters so it can be quite difficult to identify the context as a legal definition.
We then see the term responsible person repeated in each article time and again, when they really mean dutyholder, and that would have made life so much clearer.
This is clarified in Guidance note No 1
"Article 5(3) extends the responsible person’s duties to include any other person to the extent
that they have control of the premises. Under Article 5(4) any person who by virtue of any contract or tenancy has obligations of any extent in respect of maintenance of the premises (and anything in them) or the safety of the premises is to be treated to that extent as a person who has control for the purposes of Article 5(3). Enforcing
authorities should note that due to the reference to the term “any contract†is not intended to be limited to those in respect of the occupation of property, eg a lease or licence to occupy, but would include, for example, a contract for the installation and/or maintenance of a fire alarm system or a fire sprinkler system."
39. In many cases there will be more than one person subject to the obligations of a responsible person for premises. The level of responsibility will vary according to the employment position (total responsibility for an employer) and the degree to which the eperson can exercise control over safety in the premises. This is a deliberate aspect of the Order to allow enforcement action to be taken against the person who is culpable and/or in a position to remedy contraventions."
In the case in point:
The Responsible Person is the employer (i.e. each shop keeper) in accordance with article 3 and on the face of it the Landlord is just another person who has to some extent control of the premises (Article 5(3) ). The Landlord (5(3)) has some obligations for the maintenance, safety and repair of the premises in that they choose tenants, instruct new tenants on the safety arrangements, carry out regular condition surveys and charge remedial work to the tenants. (article 5(4))
............... but ..................
The managing agent is also an employer- a very large one in this case- and receives the rack rent, (definitions "Owner") may employ the cleaning staff in the common areas and certainly employs agents to liaise with the tenants, inspect defects and carry out condition surveys from time to time. Oh dear. Still I guess I have answered my own question.