The area is off a service road which ramps down to basement floor level, it's not possible to provide a vandal proof level of security due to the location. The glazing starts about 2m above the waste storage area and is PVC framed double glazed units, the building itself is late '60s 9 storey steel frame and block. I don't know the local mains pressure yet, but am getting the static pressure and flow rate checked; as it shares the site with a hospital I'd like to think the Water Authority provide decent pressure, but who knows
I would expect about 800kW output from a single cardboard filled 1100ltr bin, so there's potential for several thousand kW output from all of them together. Dry pipe is probably the answer to the frost problem, but anything that adds expense may thwart my efforts to protect this area, however, I know our insurers would have apoplexy if they saw the risk. Thank you chaps, your help is much appreciated