I am looking at a Turbine Hall (TH) & Boiler House (BH) at a coal fired Power Station that has been in operation for over 35 years.
The building is approx 200 metres x 150 metres with a partition wall that separates the TH and BH, this is not a compartment wall due to its construction and the many openings within.
The BH is has many floor levels, the heighest 55 metres, with associated walkways providing access for maintainance. The floors are metal and of open grill construction; access is via 3 main stairs (1 at either end and 1 centre) that cover all floor levels, plus some interconnecting stairs.
All the stairs are open and it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to enclose them, obviously travel distances are an issue, etc.
The TH is less of a problem as it is an open structure.
My questions are:
1. Under the RRO who are the enforcing authority? Local Fire & Rescue or HSE?
2. This building would, I believe, fall under the category 'Specialist Premises'?
3. The RRO Guide 'Factories and Warehouses' cannot be applied to such premises, are there any other guidelines or documents covering such premises.
Factors that are need to be considered are:-
> High levels of maintainance - strict control on working practices
> Suppression Systems etc. covering Turbines, Mills, Boilers etc. (with warning alarms)
> Means of raising the alarm and alerting occupants
> History of fires - very few and all localised
> Site has own Fire Station and Response Team
> Chances of building becoming smoke logged is unlikely
> Personnel Working on Site -trained and supervised- task orientated
> Signage, Lighting, FFE
> Dimensions of the building and travel distances available at each working levels are such that there is sufficient room for occupants to move horizontally away from any fire that may occur.
I think the being 'Reasonable and Practicable in the circumstances of the Case' has to be considered.