I wont get drawn into explaining why a Trade Association is different from a national newspaper. This forum is a discussion group dedicated to the topic of fire and any topics on a fire theme are welcome.
Sometimes topics will arise from misinformation, misconception ir misreporting. If this is the case I am sure we can rely on you Colin and our other regular posters to educate and inform us of the true position. We will all then be better informed.
Sometimes I think we forget that actually, despite all the sniping and backbiting. that we are all dedicated and committed to the same goals of reducing death, injury and loss from fire. I am sure that thats why many sit up to the wee small hours. Some of us do our often inadequate best to answer persons genuine enquiries and try to help people. Other posters help by pointing out the inadequacies, misinformation or misperception of others' answers whilst rarely directly contributing to the content of the debate.
In my view all contributions to the discussion are welcome so long as we dont get personal.
Back to sprinklers any legislation on this topic is indeed a big story and thanks to GFSM for putting the situation into context. There is a slightly different take on the story on info4fire
http://www.info4fire.com/news-content/full/wales-comes-closer-to-compulsory-residential-sprinklers-videoThe legislation under discussion can be found here
http://www.assemblywales.org/ms-ld8131-e.pdf .
The proposal is aimed at new dwellings, care homes or schools providing sleeping accommodation and provides for all parts of the premises including those areas ancillar to the sleeping accommodation to be provided with a fire suppression system (not specifiically sprinklers)
Heres a big new opening for low pressure water mist systems, one such system is now being marketed in the UK, reported to having been tested to new German standards. If anyone is interested I will post more info on this and the compliance standards claimed.