Speyside, It's not what the fire risk assessors charge for their work, but the additional costs they incur by being Third-Party Certified by a profit-making organisation that annoys me. This also applies to fire alarm installers and, these days, anyone else who can do the job properly, but has to pay for someone to confirm it.
If the rules and recommendations are laid down by independent bodies it is up to everybody to apply these to their work. They shouldn't have to pay for someone to look over their shoulder, and then pay someone to be looking over the shoulder of those supposedly looking over the shoulder. And so on, ad infinitum! This all just adds to additional cost to the customer and with little, in my mind, benefit to the customer.
I wonder if a TPC fire alarm installer was taken to court for some infringement, if their Third Party Certification provider would also face court action. I'm guessing that this would never happen.
I personally agree with you that it should be enough that fire risk assessors and fire alarm system installers etc. etc. could be taken to court for failing to properly implement the rules/recommendations to deter the cowboys from short-changing customers.
Who really benefits most from TPC schemes? I believe it is the TPC providers.