PAS 79 draft for comment available at overly impressed by the degree or level of revision to be honest.
As for this proposed revision, the changes are minimal and IMO do not provide any value for money "did it ever offer value for money"
. The main changes relate to:
New guidance on the approach that should be adopted in determining the
appropriate fire precautions for existing buildings that do not comply with current codes
of practice. i.e a paragraph or so supported by a basic flow chart. (Hardly inspiring or insightful to a competent FRA).
A new annex containing a competence standard for fire risk assessors (Not included in the draft)
A reference (paragraph) to registration and certification schemes for persons who carry out
fire risk assessments and companies who offer fire risk assessment services on a
commercial basis. (IFE, FRA etc) already in the public domain.
Revision of the document to take into account the publication of various new, British Standards. Already in the public domain.
All in all, a cash making exercise for BSI and Toddy.
I am surprised that BSI did not present the draft with print/copy lock out through ADOBE, reckon every Tom, Dick & Harry will be using Colins proforma in breach of copyright now that BSI have made it freely available on the WWW.
Think Toddy will be busy for some time ,