Chris- OK I was being abit flippant.
The insurance industry is forever going on about how we should put more effort into property protection - rightly so in some cases.
If they just stopped insuring these buildings then attitudes would change PDQ. They did this job with EPS insulation to great effect.
The insurance industry research buget for fire is about £500k a year compared with over £5m for motoring.
Where to begin, where to begin......:lol:
1 - Insurance companies are (mainly) profit making organisations, just like every other business, they make money. And (with rare exception) what ever happens, they will make money. If fires cost X, they will chage everyone X + 10%
2 - They regularly decline to offer or continue insurance. Indeed "one famous one that I have heard of" have about 100 people, who, every day visits people and tell them to do something or they will cease to be insured.
3 - I can't speak for the insurance industry, only my personal opinion, and I have no idea how much is put into the FPA, the ABI, the arson control forum, and all these other things. I think now that the LPCB is BRE certification it is no longer funded by insurance - are you sure about the £500k? How do you know this?
4 - Ultimatly it must be the job of our law makers and society to solve this problem, not individual profit making companies - that said, often they do seem to have the loudest voices.............