A comparison between two things, typically on the basis of their structure and for the purpose of explanation or clarification.
A correspondence or partial similarity.
similarity - resemblance - likeness - parity - parallel
Don't be pig ignorant piglet! I know you love the old man like a dad, but please don't follow in his footsteps; I don't think it's in your nature. I hope not! I won't have a go back as Kurnal will shout; as it doesn't add to the debate.
The point is that I believe that the RP doesn't in many cases complete due diligence when appointing 'contractors' and therefore if they do get prosecuted under the order there is often more they could have reasonibly done to avoid commissioning the offence. That lack of diligence is a common factor in many of the succesful prosecutions and sadly that lack of diligence is also common in the multifatality fires we have had in the UK. Therefore if the RP is to be helped in their diligence the industry has to work a lot harder to help them. One vital area that will assist is to marginalise the poor fire risk assessor and eliminate them from the pool of contractors the RP has to choose from. That will allow experts like yourself, to operate in a semi regulated market place were the standard of advice facilitates high fire standards in many more buildings.
It's a bit like the new food labels introduced to clearly identify the food that is bad for you, in the hope that unhealthy food will not be purchased by the consumer and therefore it will disappear from the shelves; thus making the UK a healthier place. By clearly signposting the good the bad will fall by the wayside.