I audit many different property types, and always find issues. (Wish I only had to do 2 audits a week like the poster above - I normally do two or more a day
- I'm not baiting here - I know it all depends on the brigade you work for, the area you cover, the building being inspected, sample or full audit etc etc)
Anyway the issues I find range from minor failings where abit of advice and education is all that is required, all the way up to premises you would call "death traps", places where if a fire occurred you would expect injuries and probably fatalities.
I went to a "death trap" on friday afternoon, and we come across places like that on a fairly regular in my neck of the woods due to the demographics of the area in which I work.
But these death traps aren't factories, hotels, shops, schools, hospitals, care homes, sheltered schemes, etc etc these "death traps" are HMOs. As enforcement of standards in HMOs is undertaken predominantly by Local Authorities it leaves me to wonder what other kind of death traps do fire authorities come across on a regular basis?.
I have dealt with some of the above property types (shops, factories, care homes etc) where standards were shocking, even to the point where they were "death traps" if you like, but they are few and far between.
The HMO problem doesn't apply to all parts of the country necessarily, I deal with them regularly because I work in a large Metropolitan area with hundreds if not thousands of HMOs in the area, so its no suprise I come across them.
So Kelsall I would have to say that apart from HMOs, in my area there are some risky premises that need addressing for sure, but they aren't generally places where people are going to get injured or killed (from fire atleast).