unfortunately i think i do understand your point. what i am trying to highlight is that the process of an adc actually allows this to happen. the point im trying to make is that the adc and selection for post are NOT the same thing although brigades are using them as such. in their 'purest form' adc's are a good thing and will offer benefit, however they are not the 'great hope' for the fire service - oops and rescue - that they have been portrayed as.
ok, your point about being told one thing and then someone doing totally different is not new is it? in reality if you did apply for the selection process would you get an interview for the post. i doubt it. what you seem to have stumbled on is an adc process being 'corrupted' into a selection process - and that should have been made clear at the time. perhaps you need to be asking someone to look at the process, in a large brigade within the m25, a lot of appeals have just been held and those who were told they had not passed the adc did after 'moderation' pass after all, because the process was proven to be flawed. if youre in the fbu ask your rep to speak to officials of the aforementioned large brigade, if circumstances are the same they may be able toi help?
finally, dont be bitter about not passing, unless of course the process was incorrect. some people will always be less succesful than others for a number of reasons, dont dwell on it!
dave bev