The TRA should now be based on a possible "worst case scenario" aircraft accident at the airport to identify the minimum number of airport RFFS personnel required to undertake identified tasks in real time before supporting external (LAFRS) are able to effectively assist.
The worst case scenario should be based on the largest aircraft using the airport and includes tasks such as extinguishing external fires, protecting evacuating occupants, creating a survivable condition inside the aircraft, rescue of trapped occupants and post fire security.
Some airports are now leaving the internal firefighting & rescue to the LAFRS and are not making an entry, i.e. concentrating only on external tasks. This means they can now reduce manning to one firefighter per appliance and use monitors to extinguish external fires.
Now unless the LAFRS pda appliances are permanently located at the airport (and do not attend other incidents) this rational is totally flawed. Two things amaze me about this situation; firstly the CAA are allowing airports to put these procedures in place without challenging them and secondly the LAFRS are actually signing up (literally) to this flawed rational.