It happened when I was still young, I-doll. When CFOA, who may even have been CACFOA at the time it is so long ago, told people to stop putting detectors only on each side of the door but to at least string them down the whole corridor. It was a rare moment when CFOA came up with something that showed an inkling of technical understanding; that's why it is so memorable.
This was reiterated but taken further in BS 7273-4 in 2007, though some members here like to pretend it doesnt exist and will do so until it bites them in the rear end big time. Current guidance is string them down a non fr the corridor at half spacing (unless there is already an L3, L2 or L1 system). If the corridor is a protected corridor with FD 30S doors to rooms, you can keep to normal spacing as in L4.