As set out in the Specialised Housing guide, in purpose-built sheltered housing properties, we would expect there to be a stay put policy which applies to persons in their flats (with domestic LD1 detector coverage in place); whilst there would be a fire alarm system (including call points and control panel etc) in the common areas.
I've come across differing views concerning the types of Fire Action Notices which should be displayed.
I note that Appendix 8 of the guidance gives a suggested notice for this type of block; which I feel would be appropriate to display in a communal lobby/communal notice board etc, but when displaying notices above the call points in the common areas , I have typically recommended that a simple standard 'Sound alarm, call the emergency services, evacuate, assemble etc' is displayed. The reason being that if someone in the common areas decides to manually raise the communal alarm, they need to see concise information about the actions to be taken (rather than having to filter through the instructions to persons in their flats).
I than usually recommend that a full 'stay put' notice could be displayed on the back of the entrance doors (or an alternative agreed location) within each flat.
Any thoughts on, issues with the approach which I have outlined? Thanks