Charging: s 19 Fs act 2004 make sprovison for the Secretary of State to authorise FRAs to charge for their services. The first such order, applying to all FRAs is in consultation and so not yet in force. Road traffic collisions (as they now must be called) are a part of our duties and the Sce of State has made claer he will not presently authorise any charging for these. Under no circumstances (except fires at, or under the, sea) may the Secretary of State authorise a FRA to levy a charge for extinguishing fires, or protecting life and property in the event of fires. . No charge may be levied for emergency medical asisstance either. The charge may be imposed on, or recovered from, a person other than the person in respect of whom action is taken by the authority
The consultation document is here: The document was for comments by MAy 2004, I am not aware of the order having been made, nor can it be found on the ODPM website.
Note that future charging for RTCs and FADs (in particular) is possible, I would envisage work on FADs as these are a drain on FRA recources.
As I see it, reading the FS act 2004, a FRA charging for anything may be acting illegaly unless they hold an authority from the Secretary of State to do so. Another point is that the act makes it a requirement that any charges are not set above the actual cost of providing the service "In setting the amount of a charge, the authority must secure that, taking one financial year with another, the authority's income from charges does not exceed the cost to the authority of taking the action for which the charges are imposed". So the actual cost to the authority should not include any element for the wages (unless persons are brought in on additional payments to provide the service, or maintain other services as a result), the appliances (again unless others are purchased to cover) or equipment used (again unless it was purchased ofr this action) - an interesting test case awaits somewhere, I have no doubt. I really doubt that it COSTS LFB £270 per appliance per hour to deliver any such service. Whilst that may be what they determine to be the cost of the crew and vehicle per hour they are not having this cost imposed on them for taking the action as theses costs would already be there, fuel etc may be all that can be legally charged?