Author Topic: Perko closers  (Read 9972 times)

Offline Collegeboy

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Perko closers
« on: December 06, 2023, 04:58:38 PM »
Probably been asked hundreds of times over the years,but whats the latest on single chain perkos on older type doors, Should they be replaced for overhead closers or ok to leave if still there and still working  ???  obviously not conforming to Controlled closer, EN1154, minimum power size etc, just asking whether to advise Replace or ok to leave as they conformed at the time of installation and replacement not retrospective  ??? 

Offline AnthonyB

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Re: Perko closers
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2023, 08:46:43 PM »
Considering that they have been frowned upon in guidance such as that produced by the Guild of Architectural Ironmongers for over 30 years due to not being adjustable and prone to failure I was surprised the Government Guides didn't deprecate them, but they only specifically mentioned rising butt hinges.

Most fail the Section 10 basic checks as they fail to overcome the latch at either fully open or 15 degree open so get recommended to be replaced by an EN1154 closer anyway - for those that pass I still point out their issues and suggest phasing out as they fail.

What doesn't help is the fact that they can be found used on post 2000 & even post 2010 builds when you would have thought they should have known better than to fit them (even where an overhead closer cannot be fitted, there are EN1154 approved adjustable double cam/chain versions of the Perko they could use, but they stick to the cheap single chain version)
Anthony Buck
Owner & Fire Safety Consultant at Fire Wizard

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Offline Collegeboy

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Re: Perko closers
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2023, 10:30:27 AM »
Thanks Anthony
So you`d leave them in if they work ok with advice to phase out, as in no Definitive need to change out ?

Offline AnthonyB

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Re: Perko closers
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2023, 07:51:32 PM »
If a block of a size, occupancy & layout where notional doors generally are acceptable in guidance - where a modern FD30/30S doorset would be expected even in an existing build I might be minded to take a more conservative approach.
Anthony Buck
Owner & Fire Safety Consultant at Fire Wizard

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