Maybe not Meerkat, but if you put a question on the forum, and I reply to it (perhaps giving you very duff advice which you don't recognise as such) and you pass the advice on and everything goes pear-shaped, I guess that your PI would take a bashing and your insurers would then be hassling mine to share the pain.
So if I pose a question on this forum "do i need an intumescent strip on my fire door in my office?" and you reply "no".
Three years later when it gets to court after my office has burnt down and I've tried to blame you for the "duff" advice I think the judge might ask me ....
"... so you asked the question on an annonymous website and took the advice of an "Aunty Lin" not to fit an intumescent strip?
You didn't consider contacting your local fire authority, building control officer or even i dare say a professional "consultant"?
Your obviously an idiot Mr R. Go to prison for a long time just for being so stupid....... case closed!"
For all we know there could be a few magistrates and judges and the likes asking for advice on fire safety standards before sentencing.
Cleveland 3 could actually be the Lord Chief Justice.
CivvyFSO might be the Master of the Rolls.
Auntie Lin could even be Sir Ken looking for advice before making a determination.