Hello Kurnal,
sorry for delay in response, life does get busy at the most inconvenient times.
I have read your responses, and like yourself, I can feel sympathetic towards ones who are put in a difficult position due to the management assignments they may be handed. Yes I also agree that for most assignments, there is a time constraint that can cause undue pressures on individuals. Possibly that may have been the reason for the Data To Cabs project being sidelined and overshadowed by the name of a private company project.
However, as You mentioned in your comments, that under pressure quote a person may "look for support outside and you find an enthusiastic private company who is happy to take some workload off your hands and the cost is less than the penalties for running late" end of quote.
However I still find no justification in a private company making EXTRA WORK FOR THE BRIGADE, and the Brigade footing the bill. That is not a saving for the Brigade.
There is a cost for each inspecting officer to visit a premises and conduct a Fire Safety Inspection. Fill in the relevent paperwork and ensure that the CAD plans are updated.There is a really good Admin department that devotes quite a considerable time to the filing /processing of all this Data. All this is paid from public funds, and is included in the Brigade Budget. However there is now a change, some /all of this information is to be passed on to a private company for FREE, so they can use the Fire Service Information and plans as a basis for their business and charge companies £100 + for a copy of the plans, which were already on Brigade file. Now the said private company has branched out into the Fire Risk Assessment business,will our Inspecting Officers be expected to hand over copies of their reports to the same said private company? I still fail to see how the private company is helping the Brigade.
I still fail to see where the benefit is for the Brigade. Can anyone explain? I give up trying to work it out, it does not make sense which ever way I analyse it.
Also a private company stands to line their pockets at a tune of £100 + per property for each plan they can receive free from the Fire Service.
In South Wales that amounts to quite a substancial sum of money 1000's X £100.
It may seem that I am against any change within the Brigade, however I can assusre you, I am all for advancement in Technology, and will be one of the first to support any Technology that will improve safety for the Firemenfighters and general public as well as proving beneficial for the Brigade.
If the Brigade has ever needed help, it has never been far away, unfortunately the decision seemed to have been to do things in a rather bizzare business manner. only a chosen few seem to understand.
Thats my last word on this subject, it is to frustrating, I'll just stay with my own thoughts on the matter. . It really makes me uncomfortable especially now that I have heard comments about the private company being persued by the business sector for failing to provide the services they have paid for and at the same time the company is sporting the Brigade Crest on its business stationary. This makes me feel really uncomfortable as I do not know what I can say to a company if I am confronted with a similar complaint that others have received.