Author Topic: Dynamic Risk Assessment  (Read 39516 times)

Offline Mike Buckley

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Dynamic Risk Assessment
« Reply #45 on: November 03, 2007, 02:11:47 PM »
I am afraid I disagree with Old Legend, whilst speculation on what happened in Warwickshire must not occur and we must wait for the results of the investigation. We must learn from this incident to protect firefighters in the future. The study old Legend has started is now more important than ever.

This incident has occured in the culture of DRA which was meant to stop this type of thing happening.

My sympathies are with the families and the comrades of the lost. However having seen the news footage it looks like a very good stop.
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Offline nearlythere

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Dynamic Risk Assessment
« Reply #46 on: November 05, 2007, 11:59:36 AM »
Quote from: Mike Buckley
I have always been amazed not at how many fatalities there are but in fact how few. If you look at the construction trade that is killing 2-3 hundred a year and they are working in a controlled environment. The fire service is working in an uncontrolled high risk environment and the losses are 1 or 2 a year.
I could not disagree with you more. Because of time schedules and financial penalties many building sites are disasters waiting to happen. Many bosses want corners cut to save time and money and this is why the fatality and injury rate is so high. Poor working practices by employees and employers and the disrespect for health and safety within much of the building industry is why construction sites are such dangerous places to work. A safe and competant builder, big or small, is the one which has the fewest accidents among its employees.

Because of H&S Legislation, and especially because of the FBU, the Fire & Rescue Service operational workplace in a highly controlled environment and that is why the fatality and injury rate is so low.
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