All good comments and probably reflect what will happen.
The RRO extends the principles of the FP(W)Regs, but to greater numbers of premises. With many brigades seeming to be slashing their FSO departments staff numbers & drafting in civilian inspectors (not bad in itself) on pay that is far less than their uniformed predecessors, in some areas to a pittance of a wage (bad for quality & performance), there is little point in extending the refit of fire regulations as these newly covered premises (which are likly to be abysmal)aren't going to be checked, unless there are injuries or deaths, which is a bit too late for casualties.
1-There will be the hard core companies that will carry on as present and embrace fire safety and have excellent controls
2-There will be the large middle ground that have a go, but don't quite understand it & through ignorance accompanied by an unwillingess to do much more than lip service, have flaws in precautions some trivial, some far more serious.
3-And there will be those who just don't give a damn and present a big risk.
Size & nature of premises does not determine who will be in which group - I've inspected small busineses with excellent awareness & compliance, yet inspected larger premises of big companies that are waiting for total loss & death to happen.
As businesses see the spectre of fire Regs in effect diminish & the nearest they get to FSO's being watching Keith Lard on re-runs of 'That Peter Kay Thing' & 'Phoenix Nights' the number4 in the latter two categories above increase.
In the sector I work I am carrying out vastly greater amounts of inspection and enfocrement than the FRS are - most occupiers I inspect have never had FSO visits and have a culture shock to get annual compliance visits. In most cases a firm word and education, coupled with re-inspections, brings improvements, but in some cases enforcement is required - but without those powers our hands are tied, so because the FRS don't visit nothing happens.
Sadly you need an enforcing regime for fire safety to work - it doesn't need to be fining people left, right & centre, but needs to be out there, pointing them in the right direction, reminding people it exists & can bite if provoked.
Can you imagine if all criminal law was removed and replaced with self regulation and the police disbanded and replaced by a smaller nunber of Community Support Officers? It's a silly idea to suggest as there would be anarchy, crime rocketing and lives ruined. But if it's so silly why is it alright with fire - it involves criminal law and ruins lives.....