Sorry Frankie for seeming to be another pushing you into a 'fight for information', but as a Ff you should know where to find this out, I am extremely disappointed that you don't. The answer is in the training manual, the full drill is detailed there. I am not going to reproduce it here as it is not possible without the diagrams anyway.. Every station should have one, if not the service will somewhere.
PS the 'new NVQ Ff' will not do bridging as the drill is presently suspended as being unsafe. As to the Ff who said it wasn't in his portfolio to know - he is mistaken and worse still his assessor is obvioulsy c**p. The knowledge and understanding required is everything that a Ff needs to knwo to carry out their role in the FRS they work in, the assessor should knwo that and should be assessing against the role map int he context of the duties of that Ff, if their are high rise risks then the Ff MUST know them and the control measures. This is EXPLICIT in the NVQ - Units 6 (RA and controls/resources) and in 3 and 4 (technical knowledge definitley but also under H&S). There is no way that this should be overlooked. Feel free to PM me for futher information and advice on the way an NVQ should be run.